Magnolia School District News and Upcoming Events

Due to the Magnolia School District’s change to Virtual Learning Fridays, report cards for the first nine-week grading period will be sent home on Thursday, October 22 instead of the original date of Friday, October 23. Full-time virtual students will receive their report cards through the mail and any other changes to report card distribution will be announced at another date.

The school district will hold its annual Flu Immunization clinic through the month of October. Walker Campus will hold its clinic on Oct. 13, the Middle School on Oct. 14, Kindergarten with East Side on Oct. 20, Central on Oct. 21 and the with the Ninth Grade Academy High School on Oct. 22. Information packets and consent forms were sent home with students on the week of Sept. 28 - Oct. 2 and forms were to be returned no later than Oct. 6. The flu mist will not be available this year.

If your student missed out on the flu clinic, the Columbia County Health Unit is still administering flu shots with no money required for the vaccination.

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