What do you get excited about?

There is a wonderful power that operates in the universe that appears to be almost magic when it’s understood and used in the proper way. This is the Magic Power of Enthusiasm.

The word enthusiasm comes from the Greek “Enthous” and means “The God within or a supernatural inspiration or possession.” It also means “intense or eager interest; zeal; fervor.” The point that we should not miss is that the Magic Power of Enthusiasm is already there, within each of us, just waiting to be used. When we use this wonderful power to rise to new heights, achieve greater success or improve a relationship, it is often manifested as excitement, zeal or fervor. As Ralph Waldo Emerson has said, “Every great and commanding moment in the annals of the world is the triumph of some enthusiasm.”

In addition to the fact that it is already there, there is another important reason why enthusiasm helps us to get more done. While love is the strongest human emotion, enthusiasm is the most contagious. Most of us had rather be around someone who is enthusiastic, upbeat and positive than someone who always seems to be down. In a sense, our enthusiasm is almost like a magnet as it attracts other people to us and more often than not, they will help us in whatever we are doing. Many times I have stood back watching someone doing something that was highly enthusiastic, and before long I was right in there with them.

There is another element regarding enthusiasm, however, that we need to guard against. This is when our enthusiasm becomes misguided, which is to say we get enthusiastic about things that have little or no lasting value. The Magic Power of Enthusiasm is one of the greatest powers we have if directed towards things that really matter. And here is a question for you to ponder: What do you get excited about?

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