Your Banner News, which has served this community, since 1928, is joining the new age of journalism and newspapering.

In a letter thanking our subscribers for your loyalty over the years and into the future, publisher Walter Hussman has explained that, for us to continue as your most dependable local news and information source, the newspaper must change to offset the 75-percent reduction in U.S. newspaper revenues since 2006.

The way we can continue to be a valued source of news in Magnolia and Columbia County is to alter our print publication schedule while maintaining and, in fact, increasing our daily digital content.

To do this, we will have a substantial print edition on Wednesdays, with front page replicas of the Banner-News printed Monday through Saturday, which is a step up from our current Monday through Friday schedule of delivering the news online.

While the print edition will be published just on Wednesdays, your access to the Banner News will be 24/7 with news, sports and other content continuously updated.

The amount of relevant news delivered to your doorstep on Wednesday will be increased. Time saved by the news staff from the physical production of the daily paper will allow more time spent on reporting for your Wednesday edition and each day with our digital editions.

These changes will take place Feb 20 following the recent introduction of our new, improved website. The best way to read our digital replica page is with an iPad. If you need assistance with establishing an account with Apple, or downloading or using our replica, call the Banner News and we will set up an appointment with you to help.

We are excited as we embark on this new direction in journalism for the Banner News and hope you are with us every step of the way into the future.

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