Magnolia City Councilman: James Jefferson

Magnolia City Councilman James Jefferson was elected to represent Ward II in November of 2016. According to Jefferson, being an alderman was something he wanted to mentor someone else to become but, after the long search for someone else failed, he decided that he would be the best man for the job.

“I didn’t realize how hard it would be to find someone to mentor,” said Jefferson. “After a long hard search, I told myself it would have to be me that took the position. Hopefully, I will inspire someone to make a difference the same way I plan to do.”

Before deciding to run for city council, Jefferson was already active in the community. He started a bike club for youth, which JaMarcus Jones still leads to this day. Jefferson has helped many of the local young artists with their craft, teaching them his knowledge of the business and helping them be more than what they ever thought they could.

“I believe in the youth of our community,” Jefferson said. “I want them to believe as much as I do that they can achieve anything they put their minds to. I have complete faith in that.”

Jefferson is big on keeping the community clean. He is often out cleaning up different locations with community service workers.

It has been in Jefferson’s plan to start a Columbia County clean up day with all the cities within Columbia County involved with it. He would like to make it an annual clean up day with many of the county’s residents involved.

“We as residents of Columbia County must understand that the county is like our home,” said Jefferson. “We must keep it up in that manner. We all do not live in a trashy home, so why should our community be trashy?”

If you have been to Southside Park lately, you may notice that it has been a lot cleaner than usual. Jefferson makes it a priority daily to go to each of the parks in Ward II to pick up trash left behind from the day before.

“As the elected official of Ward II, I feel it is my duty to make sure my ward stays clean,” Jefferson mention. “Besides, I stay in this community. I would love for people that come in and out of the community to see places worth coming to.”

It’s in Jefferson’s plans for Southside Park to have a repaved parking lot due to the current gravel lot falling apart. He has pulled the trash receptacles around to the far side of the bleachers. He has gotten the city to push the dirt off the basketball court and put up siding and grass to prevent any dirt from being on the court again. The grass is now starting to grow around the bleacher area. Jefferson hopes to get the grass growing all the way down past the fence around the basketball court.

According to Jefferson, the fire department comes to Southside Park daily to water the grass area by the bleachers to help it grow. He isn’t sure how many gallons of water is being used every day.

“Southside Park is my baby,” Jefferson said. “ I want it to look as good as I do myself every day. It may take time, but I plan to see it all done while I am elected as an official of this ward.”

West Side Park is also in Ward II. Jefferson has been working to get it in shape for the residents of that community. He would love to get the basketball court divided so more residents could come out and play.

“I would like to replace all of the equipment in West Side Park,” Jefferson said. “The paint on the equipment is starting to peel really bad, and that could lead to someone getting lead poisoning.”

While Jefferson is not cleaning up the streets, he is working on an online subscription magazine called Street Perspective. According to Jefferson, it is one of the only things he had in California that he wanted to bring with him when moving to Magnolia.

“Street Perspective is my way of letting everyone know what’s going on in the community monthly,” Jefferson said. “Any special events, upcoming artists, or new talent that comes through the area, I would love to feature.”

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